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    4 years ago · · Comments Off on Understanding “Complex” Trauma

    Understanding “Complex” Trauma

    A traumatic experience is one that triggers our brains fight, flight or freeze response – we feel unsafe, and our nervous system responds through these natural survival instincts. The term complex trauma refers to the impact of long-term exposure to repeated traumatic experiences. While most of us will experience something traumatic in our lives, those who experience complex trauma are much more likely to develop Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.

    Often, those who experience complex trauma do not ever identify their experiences as traumatic. These traumatic experiences often start early in childhood, and it can be easy to brush them off as just a normal part of growing up.

    Common experiences of early childhood trauma may include:

    • Living with a parent who struggles with mental health issues (depression, suicidal thoughts, anger issues, substance abuse, etc.)
    • Physical abuse
    • Sexual abuse
    • Neglect (this could include physical neglect – like not having enough basic necessities, and/or emotional neglect – not having the attention and affection needed from caregivers)
    • Death of a parent

    Common symptoms related to complex trauma include:

    • Difficulty feeling and managing your emotions
    • Feeling numb or disconnected from your body and life
    • Shame and negative beliefs about yourself – ex. “I am not lovable” or “I don’t fit in anywhere”
    • Difficulty in relationships with others – including avoidance of intimacy or issues with trusting others

    If you believe you are living with the impact of complex trauma, therapy can help you navigate the impact of these experiences. A therapist who specializes in working with C-PTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder) will provide a safe space for you to learn the skills needed to manage, or even eliminate, these symptoms.

    Categories: Uncategorized



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